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He benchmark 30 year fixed rate loan interest rates have been quoted at 4. 500% at Wells Fargo (NYSE: WAC) today with an APR of 4. 563%. 30 year FHA FEM interest rates can be had for 4. 375% with an APR of 5. 394%. The best 30 year jumbo FMs have been quoted at 3. 625% and APR of 3. 398%. The shorter term 15 year FMs are coming out at 4. 000% at the bank with an APR of 4. 298%. 5 year ABMs are coming out at 3. 750% at Wells Fargo yielding an APR of 3. 857% at the beginning of the loan. 5/1 FHA ARM loans are published at 3. 875%  with a starting APR of 4. 001%.

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